The agenda includes cutting-edge ID research in the field of chimeric antigen receptor T-cell (CAR T) therapy and allogeneic stem cell transplantation, as well as returning attendee favorites such as an interactive trivia game, a focus on the best ID abstracts, and information on updated guidelines, says Track Vice Chair Zainab Shahid, MBBS.
Blood and Marrow Transplant Clinical Trials Network Clinical Program Manager Mykala Heuer, BSN, RN, outlines highlights in the agenda, including discussions on operations, empowering coordinators, and changes in study endpoints.
Track Co-Chairs Mark Duckworth, BS, and Julie Porter, MS, preview an agenda full of panel discussions delving into the challenges facing transplant and cellular and gene therapy program administrators and the innovative solutions they have developed to overcome them.
Data standardization and interoperability, and the automation of data acquisition and transfer for research purposes will be recurring themes throughout the agenda, as explained by track planners including Erik Bergman, MBA, MS.
Tandem Meetings Program Coordinator Ashley Wissinger describes the activities and amenities that await 2025 Tandem Meetings attendees in the Exhibit Hall.